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- Serbian
Serbian Translator
Serbian - interesting facts
Serbian, a South Slavic language, holds a central position in the Balkans as the official language of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. It is also widely spoken among Serbian diaspora communities across the globe. With approximately 12 million speakers, Serbian is a vital means of communication in the region and beyond.
As part of the Indo-European language family, Serbian shares linguistic ties with other Slavic languages, such as Croatian and Slovenian. These languages are mutually intelligible, allowing for effective communication among speakers.
The significance of Serbian, part of POZENA's multilingual translation services, extends beyond its linguistic boundaries. Serbia's rich cultural and historical heritage has contributed immensely to the world. Serbian literature, with renowned figures like Dositej Obradović and Ivo Andrić, has received international acclaim, and Serbian film and music have gained popularity worldwide.
Serbian uses the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, with the Cyrillic script being the official script. This dual script system provides a unique characteristic to the language and allows Serbian speakers to navigate between the two writing systems seamlessly.
The Serbian language exhibits a rich vocabulary, often reflecting its diverse influences. Due to its historical connections and geographic location, Serbian has absorbed loanwords from various languages, including Turkish, German, Russian, and French. This linguistic amalgamation enriches the language and demonstrates Serbia's cultural interactions throughout history.
Intriguingly, Serbian possesses a complex verb conjugation and noun declension system, allowing nuanced expressions and grammatical precision. Furthermore, the language distinguishes between formal and informal addresses, using different forms of the pronoun "you" to convey respect or familiarity.
Serbians are significant not only in their native land but also play a crucial role in bridging cultural divides. It serves as a linguistic gateway to the broader Slavic world and facilitates communication with neighbouring countries in the Balkan region.
Whether you are drawn to Serbia's fascinating history, vibrant cultural scene, or warm-hearted people, learning Serbian offers an opportunity to engage with a rich cultural tapestry. By delving into the Serbian language, you can unlock a deeper understanding of this diverse and vibrant corner of the world.
Your Essential Serbian Dictionary
English |
Serbian |
yes | да (da) |
no | не (ne) |
please | молим (molim) |
thank you | хвала (hvala) |
I'm sorry | извини (izvini) |
good morning | добар дан (dobar dan) |
good evening | добро вече (dobro veče) |
goodbye | лаку ноћ (laku noć) |
good night | довиђеsња (doviđenja) |
hi | ћао (ćao) |
how are you? | Како си? (Kako si?) |
well | Хвала, добро (Hvala, dobro) |
My name is... | Зовем се (Zovem se) |
I don't understand | Не разумем (Ne razumem) |